June 10, 2021
Use the links below to watch end-of-the-year awards presentations for Parchment Middle School. Links will be active from 6/10/21 until 6/17/21. 6th Grade: https://drive.google....

August 10, 2020
To help you make a decision on how your child will return to school for the Fall of the 2020-21 school year, the following town hall meeting recordings may help inform your decisi...

August 4, 2020
Parchment School District's Reopening Plan is now available. Click the following link to read more. https://5il.co/j3f8

July 21, 2020
Please complete this survey to provide feedback as we continue to finalize plans for returning to school in the fall for the 2020-21 school year. (link below)

May 20, 2020
Please click here to see our Distance Learning Resources page. #WeAreParchment https://sites.google.com/parchmentschools.org/psdlearningresources/home