The Board of Education serves as a governing body that oversees major decisions for the District, including policies and budget. The Board also serves as a conduit for the community to voice opinions to the District and vice versa.


Jill Wisser Photo

Jill Wisser
Email Jill Wisser

Amy Followell  Picture

Amy Followell
Email Amy Followell

Ethan Garner Photo

Ethan Garner
Email Ethan Garner

PanthBOE haspaser Head Picture

Jeff Haspas
Email Jeff Haspas

Nathan Hamilton

Nathan Hamilton
Email Nathan Hamilton

Panther Head

Chris Bergh
Email Chris Bergh

Panther Head

Andy Sanford
Email Andy Sanford

Parchment School District Strategic Plan Summary (2019-2024)


Connect, Challenge, and Inspire Every Child to Reach Their Full Potential


Every Child a Success ▪ Today and Tomorrow

Belief Statements

We believe…

❑Children are our top priority
❑All children can succeed
❑In creating connections with children, families, staff, and community
❑In nurturing every child socially, emotionally, and academically
❑In a passionate, knowledgeable, and innovative staff
❑In a safe, secure, and supportive environment
❑In valuing diversity through an inclusive climate and culture

Strategic Goal Areas

Culture/Learning Environment


Goal Statement: We will improve student performance in all areas.

Priority Objectives:

  • Develop Plan to Improve Early Childhood Educational Programming

  • Implement District-Wide Multi-Tiered System of Supports

  • Continue and Enhance Learner Driven, Data Informed Instruction Through PLCs

  • Enhance Professional Development for Instructional Staff

  • Develop and Implement a Process of Vertical and Horizontal Alignment of K-12 Curriculum Including Common Assessments and Scales

  • Develop Plan to Enhance Student Readiness for College or Career


Goal Statement: We will maintain fiscal responsibility while meeting district goals.

Priority Objectives:

  • Implement a Five-Year Purchase and Replacement Plan for Capital Assets Including Technology

  • Develop Efficient Automated and Electronic Procedures

  • Develop Short and Long-Term Financial Goals

  • Develop Comprehensive Budgeting Process that Includes Line Item Allocations

  • Seek New Grant Opportunities and Improve Use of Current Grants

  • Maintain a Stable Fund Balance


Goal Statement: We will maintain and improve facilities & operations.

Priority Objectives:

  • Analyze Comprehensive District Facilities Assessment to Determine District Priorities

  • Utilize Committee Including Board Members to Develop Plan to Consider Bonding or Sinking Fund Proposal to Improve Facilities

  • Conduct Facility Utilization Study

  • Enhance Safety and Security

  • Develop and Implement Effective Systems for Operations

Culture/Learning Environment

Goal Statement: We will provide a positive and supportive environment.

Priority Objectives:

  • Implement District-Wide Multi-Tiered System of Supports for Student Behavioral Expectations

  • Provide Professional Development to Staff Including Cultural Competence, Student Engagement, and Relationships

  • Explore and Develop Student Mentorship Programs


Goal Statement: We will improve communication both internally and externally.

Priority Objectives:

  • Implement Entrance and Exit Survey Protocols

  • Develop Comprehensive Attraction/Retention Plan for Staff & Students

  • Develop Plan for Comprehensive Onboarding Training and Procedures for New Staff

  • Enhance Website and Communication Platform

  • Celebrate Successes and Recognize Individuals and Groups


Please note: Board minutes will not be posted until they are approved at the following month's meeting. Agendas for each meeting will be available at each scheduled board meeting.

The regular meetings of the Parchment Board of Education are held on the fourth Monday of each month unless noted otherwise. Meetings are convened in the library of the Parchment High School, 1916 East G Avenue, Parchment, Michigan 49004, unless otherwise posted.


In effective school systems, The Board of Education and the Superintendent cooperate and work in partnership. The Board of Education is entrusted by its electors and required by the State of Michigan to act as the corporate policy making body for the school district, The Superintendent and staff provide, through Board of Education action, the leadership to cause Board policies to be implemented. Therefore, The Parchment School District Board of Education and Superintendent cooperate and work in partnership to enact and implement Board of Education policy. The Parchment School District Board of Education adopts these guidelines as Standard Operating Procedures to effectively communicate with staff and members of the district.

Operating Procedures for the Board of Education