Parent Teacher Conferences

High School Parent Teacher Conferences are Thursday, January 20th, from 3:30 – 7:00 pm. We are still experiencing significant COVID concerns. Our goal is to continue to keep our staff and students safe and remain in face-to-face learning. As such, we will be running conferences the same way we did in the fall with two sessions:

3:30 - 5:30 Virtual session utilizing Sign-Up Genius (link below)

5:30 - 7:00 Face-to-Face walk-in conferences in the Cafeteria. (Face Coverings Required)

Sign-Up Genius: to schedule the conferences (link below). Click the link and it will take you directly to the signup page for conferences. Choose each of your student’s teachers and an available time slot. When completed, click the submit and sign up button at the bottom of the page. A summary of your time slots will appear, and you will be emailed a confirmation with times as well.

Teachers will call you at the phone number you provided in Sign-Up Genius at the time you requested. Know that teachers are calling using many different methods so the caller ID number will NOT be a school number and may even come up as blocked. Answer the phone when it rings at your time slot! If something changes and you are not available or you cannot make these times provided, you can always email or call your student’s teacher at a later date.

Sign-ups must be completed by Wednesday, January 19th.

Thank you to everyone for working with us in a virtual world. Your patience and understanding is truly appreciated.

Sign up link:

Parent-Teacher Conference Information