Parchment Schools News


Exams start Tomorrow. Here are the dates/times:

Full Day: 5th hour Exam = Friday November 19, during regularly scheduled class and CORE

Half Day: 1st and 2nd hour Exams = Monday November 22 (1st = 7:45 to 9:05, 2nd = 9:10 to 10:30)

Half Day: 3rd and 4th hour Exams = Tuesday November 23 (3rd = 7:45 to 9:05, 4th = 9:10 to 10:30)

Final Grades = 80% current grade + 20% Exam Grade

 Exam Guidelines:

  • We are still under protocol for COVID. This means that students MUST take their exams, but the exam can only help their grade. If students don’t take a required exam, it counts as a ZERO and will significantly impact the grade.
  • Students are required to take exams in all Classes that grant Honor Points or a GPA bonus.
  • Exam Waiver (non-Honor Class)- If you have an 80% or better and no Discipline Referrals or Detentions, you can waive the exam.

Many of our students have not taken exams before and we want all parents/guardians to be informed. Teachers went through this with students and we will do so again.

 Here is a link to a visual chart of the process:

Please contact the high school if you have questions – (269) 488-1100