
Dear Parchment Families,

Parchment High School is proud to be partnering with OK2SAY, a confidential student safety tip line through the state of Michigan.  OK2SAY focuses on early intervention and prevention through awareness and education and is a critical way for Parchment staff to receive crucial information to be able to act in the health and safety of our students.

  • Who can submit a tip on OK2SAY?

ANYONE!  Students, teachers, parents, or community can submit a tip.

  • What should be reported?

Anything that would jeopardize the health and safety of a particular student, or the student body as a whole (examples- threats of violence, suicide threats, hate crime, weapons possession, human trafficking, etc).

  • How are reports made?

Text: 652729 (OK2SAY)

Website: ok2say.com

Email: ok2say@mi.gov

Phone: 855-565-2729

  • What happens after a tip is submitted?

Trained OK2SAY technicians will get in contact with the proper authorities, whether it is during school hours or outside of school hours, and act accordingly in collaboration with school officials and police.

If you have questions about the OK2SAY system please feel free to contact the high school directly.