

Exams are coming up in three weeks. Here are the dates/times:

5th hour Exam = Friday November 19, during regularly scheduled class and CORE
1st and 2nd hour Exams = Monday November 22 (1st = 7:45 to 9:05, 2nd = 9:10 to 10:30)
3rd and 4th hour Exams = Tuesday November 23 (3rd = 7:45 to 9:05, 4th = 9:10 to 10:30)

Final Grades = 80% current grade + 20% Exam Grade

Exam Guidelines:

  • We are still under protocol for COVID. This means that students MUST take their exams but the exam can only help their grade.  If students dont take the exam, it counts as a ZERO
  • Students are required to take exams in all Classes that grant Honor Points or a GPA bonus.
  • Exam Waiver (non Honor Class)- If you have an 80% or better and no Discipline Referrals or Detentions, you can waive the exam. 

Many of our students have not taken exams before. and we want all parents/guardians to be informed. Teachers went through this with students in the fall and we will do so again. 

Here is a link to a visual chart of the process: