

 Dear Seniors and Senior Families,

 We are now four weeks away from the Seniors Last Day and six weeks to Graduation. We have your last Parent Teacher Conference Opportunity on 4/29. There are many “lasts” that are happening over the next few weeks. I am reaching out to encourage you to help your student finish strong. The Office staff and I are always nervous this time of year as we always have a few students that just squeak through. Please check in with them, check their grades in Synergy, check in with the teachers at conferences and help your student finish strong.

 Virtual Conferences on 4/29 from 3:30-7:00 pm

Sign-up link:

Link closes 4/28 @ noon

Senior Gala 5/8 from 5-8:30

Last Days for Seniors is on May 21st

Seniors Honors Night on June 2nd (by invitation for those receiving honors)

Graduation is scheduled for June 4th


Last month I communicated several plans for Graduation. I have updated the plans based on the current information:

 Miller Auditorium is not open and there is no plan for WMU to have it open. Therefore, we are moving the Graduation to the High School Athletic Field on June 4th.

  • Plan on limited seating based on the venue and MDHHS orders.
  • All participants and guests will be required to comply with PPE requirements.
  • Weather – the event will run on 6/4. We cannot push the date back as Seniors have sports finals and grad plans on the following days. If the weather is severe, we will move it indoors to the main gym. This will further impact the number of guests.
  • Graduation itself will be broadcast or live-streamed.
  • We will have Lifetouch there to take pictures
  • Information in relation to the number of guests for each student will not be known until we get closer to the actual date. This will also be affected by the format of the event. Hosting the event outside allows us to have a larger capacity than an inside event. Additionally, the students’ primary concern is to walk together as one group, versus multiple groups with more guests. Again, when this is finalized, we will share it out.

We have more in the works and will continue to update you as we approach the date and we can finalize seating procedures.


 George Stamas

Principal 488-1100