Hello Parchment High School Families,
Due to the upcoming transition to an all digital state testing format this year, to ensure uninterrupted network access for all students, and to create the best testing environment for all students, there has been a revision to test dates and times for the 2024 testing season. Please disregard any prior communication and schedule you received and replace with this communication.
The following schedule (see attached flyer for full details) provides minimal interruption to the normal learning atmosphere, and allows for maximum class attendance for all kids. Please note: PHS Seniors will attend full, uninterrupted, school days the entire week of testing. We apologize, in advance, to our senior parents for the snarky remarks they may, or may not, receive from their lovely kiddos about having to attend school in full .
Also important to note, the transportation schedule will not need to be modified. After each assigned state test each day, students will return to their scheduled classes, and then be dismissed at the routine time of 2:35pm each day where regularly scheduled transportation will be available.
Tuesday, April 9th: SAT student testing for all enrolled Juniors will take place at Parchment High School on Tuesday, April 9th- starting at 7:45am and concluding at approximately 12:00pm. Juniors will not attend off-site programs in the morning.
Wednesday, April 10th: PSAT 10 student testing for Sophomores will take place at Parchment High School on Wednesday, April 10th- starting at 7:45am and concluding at approximately 11:30am
Thursday, April 11th: ACT Workkeys/M-STEP testing for all Juniors will take place on Thursday, April 11th- starting at 7:45am and concluding in the afternoon- TBD. Juniors will not attend off-site programs for the entire day.
Friday, April 12th: PSAT 9 testing for all Freshmen will take place on Friday, April 12th- starting at 7:45am and concluding at approximately 11:30am
Please see the attached testing flyer for complete details.
If any student wishes to complete a practice SAT or PSAT test they can do so virtually through Khan Academy, and also through the CollegeBoard preparation program here: https://satsuite.
If a student would like a paper-printed copy of a practice test directly from CollegeBoard, they may obtain one from their high school counseling office. **Students who complete at least one prep exam, on average, achieve scores 5-15% higher than students who don't complete one.
We ask that every student come to school prepared to test on these days.
Get a good night of sleep
Arrive on time (any late students will be sent home and will need to attend a make-up exam on a date to be determined)
Make sure to eat a healthy breakfast and stay hydrated (breakfast will be served in our cafe both days starting at 7:30am)
Complete a practice exam, if possible.
There will be more announcements, through multiple PHS communication channels, leading up to the test dates. Students will be informed of dates/times/room assignments, and other important information during in-school announcements, on our information boards, and included on our visual informational slideshows.
We look forward to a successful testing season here at the high school. Stay tuned for more information and please direct any questions to the high school office.
Thank you- GO PANTHERS!!!