Exam Information - Exams are March 6, 7 & 8:
3/6 - Regular Full Day: 5th hour Exam - Wednesday, March 6, during regularly scheduled 5th hour class and PASS - Dismissal at 2:35
3/7 - Half Day: 1st and 2nd hour Exams - Thursday, March 7 (1st - 7:45 to 9:10, 2nd - 9:15 to 10:40) - Dismissal at 10:40
3/8 - Half Day: 3rd and 4th hour Exams - Friday, March 8 (3rd - 7:45 to 9:10, 4th - 9:15 to 10:40) - Dismissal at 10:40
*Students MUST take their exams. If a student does not take an exam, it will count as a ZERO and will significantly impact their final grade.
**Students MUST stay in their assigned classroom for the entirety of the exam period.