February 16, 2024
At this time of the year, I am filled with a sense of excitement and gratitude for the opportunities it brings. February is a month of significance, rich in historical and cultura...

February 5, 2024
The Excellence in Special Education Award is sponsored by the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) of Kalamazoo County to honor those who have gone above and beyond their role in educa...

November 8, 2023
By Dave Person
In 2004, Ian Fish heeded the immortal words of Horace Greeley, uttered 166 years earlier.
“Go to the West: There your capabilities are sure to be appreciated ...

November 8, 2023
Dear Panther Family,
As we head into the Holiday Season, we are reminded to count our blessings and express gratitude for those who contribute to our lives. I would like to ta...

August 23, 2023
By Dave Person There was a time when Benjamin Norg struggled in school and didn’t entertain the thought of going to college.
As a freshman at Parchment High School, his grad...

August 23, 2023
Dear Panther Family,
Another summer has flown by, and we find ourselves already on the brink of a new school year. Our staff has been working hard to update curriculum, facil...

July 31, 2023
Please click here for the 23/24 school calendar.

May 17, 2023
May. The days are noticeably longer, yet they seem to fly by so much more quickly! It is the time of year where students start to get squirrely in their seats, parents navigate ...

May 17, 2023
By Dave Person
It’s been 28 years since Ena (Brooks) Osterhouse walked the halls of Parchment High School, but her quest for learning continues.
A physician’s associate sp...

February 15, 2023
The Parchment
School District has proudly observed January as School Board Recognition Month.
This is an opportunity to show our appreciation for these servant leaders who

November 16, 2022
By Dave Person Never one to sit still, Caleb Lohman has been on the move since he graduated from Parchment High School in 2004.
While a student at Western Michigan Universit...

November 16, 2022
Hello Panther Family,
With our school year well underway and exciting things happening throughout the district, I am honored and humbled to have been selected to serve as y...

October 20, 2022
This evening an anonymous report was made through the OK To Say tipline referencing an overheard conversation which referred to the contents of an unidentified backpack at the hig...

September 28, 2022
Dear Valued Members of the Parchment School District Family,
At a special meeting held yesterday, the Parchment School District Board of Education voted to begin contract negot...