Nov 5th: We distributed 502 meals packs on Wednesday, which equals 7,028 individual meals to kids in our community! That’s right, our food service staff distributed those meals in one day, all while feeding our hybrid students at school and at home this week. #weareparchment
Panthers: Remember there is no school on Friday, October 30th for K-12 as our staff works on professional development.
(No in-person for Group B that day)
Parchment School District is committed to creating an ongoing and responsive culture that values and celebrates Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.
Check out the rest of our EDI statement here and on our website!
Attention PHS: We have some GREAT NEWS! The USDA has extended free breakfast and lunch meals to all students learning at school, or at home until the end of the school year.
However, we still need ALL high school families to fill out an online school meal application as soon as possible to ensure additional State and Federal supplemental programs and funding for the building. Without each student having a dedicated meal eligibility, these additional funds are in jeopardy. Meal eligibility can also make PHS students eligible for certain fee waivers like testing, college application, and scholarship opportunities outside of school so this is very important to have on file.
All of the other buildings in the district will be completing a Household Income Statement for their individual building funds and not the online meal application. Therefore, if you have students at PHS and another district building, you will be filling out the online meal application AND the Household Information Report. This is just how the Federal guidelines work!
Please complete an online meal application this week at so we can meet our deadline to submit data for these additional program funds.
Please call 269-250-8928 or email our food services director at if you have any questions. The link to our food application can be found on:
Panthers: (10-14-20) Tonight's Board of Education meeting will be held in-person in the high school all-purpose room at 6pm (come in through the main entrance). Chairs will be set up six (6) feet apart and face masks will be required for all in attendance.
PHS Parents: An issue with Synergy and Parent Vue where a large popup window blanked out student grades has been fixed!
Please log out and back in for the fix to take effect.
Contact Tech Support at: or call 269-250-9280 if you still have an issue.
Students/Parents - There has been an issue with Synergy and Student/Parent Vue which took the form of a large pop-up window and no grades showing. It has been fixed and students/parents need to log out and back in for the fix to take effect.
Contact Tech Support through email at studentsupport@swmitech.orgor call 269-250-9280 if you still have an issue.
Reminder to HIGH SCHOOL FAMILIES, per the District Return to Learning Plan, Friday the 18th is the last day for High School families to switch educational programs. See the PROGRAM CHOICE DEADLINE article in the NEWS section.
Class of 2021: Your SAT date is here! On 9/23/20 we will be testing at PHS from 7:30am-1pm. All members of the senior class are encouraged to attend. Masks required and we will social distance testers.
#classof2021 #weareparchment
PSD Athletes and Families: We have our athletics rules available for viewing! Link:
Please take a moment to read through these new rules for events at all PSD schools. If you have questions, you may contact the high school athletic office.
**Link Text Transcription
Parchment Athletics Event Rules and Expectations
Each player will receive two tickets the day before a game to be given to the guest(s) they want to enter the stadium.
Lost tickets will not be replaced.
The game day tickets are to reserve spots to attend the game but do not cover the cost of admission.
Only exact change will be accepted at the gate. (If you do not have exact change, the extra money will be considered a donation to the Parchment School District.)
Each person will need a ticket (including babies and school aged children).
Spectators, fans, and game day workers will be required to wear face masks at all times and follow social distancing in appropriate situations.
All spectators are required to wear a mask and follow social-distancing the entire time they are in the stadium. Spectators not wearing face masks or social distancing may be removed from the game.
Repeated violations of the above expectations will change how we host events.
No re-entry will be permitted.
No concession stand.
Portable toilets will be available.
We do not have areas designated for spectators outside of the stadium, individuals will be asked to leave school property.
These rules are for events held at the Parchment Sports Complex and may be different at away games.
Parchment School District recognizes the unique situation Covid-19 presents to the academic and athletic atmosphere. During these times it is understandable to be frustrated with rules and restrictions put in place that allow our student athletes the opportunity to participate in athletes. We ask that as a community you work with the athletic department to help minimize the potential spread of COVID-19. We would like to remind all community members how they chose to handle these restrictions and rules at during and around athletic events will have a direct impact on how and if we host events for this season and future seasons.
PSD Families: Please take a moment to read this screening tool! To make sure we can continue in-person learning, we need parents to be vigilant to ensure the safety of all and prevent the spread of illness. We know how much our Panthers want to get back to school! #weareparchment
Parchment Middle School Reminder:
Parents who have chosen PVA or KVIC for your middle school student(s), and need a Chromebook, may pick them up on September 3 from 9-12 at the middle school! #backtoschool #weareparchment
The USDA extended child nutrition waivers so schools can feed all children 18 and under (as we have since March 16th) for FREE!
All PHS families: go to to complete an online meal application which must be completed by Sept 30th.
All other families will be asked to fill out a "Household Income Statement" form to be distributed after school begins.
We're excited to offer meal pick-up for our virtual students from 1-4pm on Wednesdays at PHS near the gym entrance. All hybrid students will bring meals home for their home learning days.
Thank you to our food/nutrition staff for all their hard work, our amazing volunteers from our summer program, and to Chartwells for feeding our students! #weareparchment
Can't wait to see you in-person! To get more Return to Learn updates from the MDE please visit
Update: there was an error on the previous calendar in regards to winter conferences. Here is the correct version.
Our 2020-21 school calendar is available!
Remember, first day of school for Group A & Parchment virtual is Sept 8th. First day (in-person) for Group B is Sept 10th. Everyone is virtual on Wed, Sept 9th. #weareparchment
Click the link for Class of 2020 Senior Speeches with teacher introductions. Congrats to these Honor Grads and thank you to the PHS Staff! Good Luck Class of 2020!
Parchment School District's Reopening Plan.
You can enroll your student in grades K-12 2020-2021 now! Please fill out the following enrollment form:
Current Events for Wednesday May 20, 2020 #weareparchment