Programs & Services
Programs & Services Links

Parchment School District continually strives to offer a wide variety of programs and services that benefit not only the students, but oftentimes their parents and the community.
Online learning challenges students who want to learn in a different way, using the latest in technology to explore math, science, social studies, world languages and language arts in a flexible, personalized environment. Online high school and middle school courses are taught by highly-qualified, Michigan-certified teachers. Please contact your student's home school to learn more about this option.
For those students who require an enhanced educational experience, we offer special education.
It's important for our students to be well-rounded individuals. As a result, students can take advantage of extracurricular activities and athletics through the school system.
At Parchment, we strive to be your life-long partner from childcare and preschool through high school. Even after your education is complete, you will enjoy strong alumni connections.
The District's various departments continually work to improve the educational experience for students.
The Facilities department is in charge of the maintenance of our beautiful school buildings. They also make sure that safety is a top priority at each building.
The Transportation department coordinates busing for students to school and school-functions.
The Technology department ensures that our school buildings have the latest educational technology resources and works to maintain existing technology resources.
The Food Service department, operated by Chartwells, not only serves lunch to almost 2,000 students daily, it also works to bring awareness to good nutrition.
Health and welfare and education savings are major topics for parents. Parchment School District works hard to help guide parents and students through a healthy and long-lasting educational experience.