Synergy ParentVUE (WEB)
Synergy StudentVUE (WEB)
Transportation (WEB)
District Technology (WEB)
ParentVUE Mobile Apps
The Annual Education Reports are available via a link on each building's home page. They may also be accessed by clicking the hyperlink.
Parental and community involvement is critical to the success of the students in Parchment School District.
We encourage parents to check out parent organizations at their child(ren)'s school.
Community members can get involved in the school in a variety of ways through volunteer opportunities
The Parchment Schools Foundation is another way to get involved. The Foundation works to promote the district and to assist in the development of students through fund raising and other efforts.
The public is also invited to view our district events calendar to see what's going on. Come out and support your district at extracurricular and athletic events!
Many of the software programs used in the district provide access from any location via the Internet. You can pay a fee, check your student's grades or see what is available in your student's school library. These resources and others are listed below.
First Agency Student Insurance (PDF)
Library Online Catalog
Check district library resources. If the book isn't available in your students building it can be checked out from any building in the district by contacting the librarian or library secretary.

Michigan Child Protection Agency
Are your children safe while online? Michigan families, especially minors, are becoming inundated with advertisements from alcohol, tobacco, pornography and gambling marketers through different internet and cell phone inboxes. Texting their advertisements is the newest marketing effort that many of these companies are using. Thankfully, the State of Michigan offers a free program to stop adult advertisements from reaching e-mails, mobile phones (text messaging ads) and instant messenger IDs. The Michigan Child Protection Registry, like the federal Do Not Call List, this is a free do-not-contact service for Michigan's families and schools.
Renaissance Learning (AR)
Parents of students in grades 1-8 can check how their students are performing on the Accelerated Reading quizzes. Go to Parchment's Renaissance Place website to request an account or to login if you already have an account.
School Messenger for Notifications
The district uses an automatic phone and email notification system to broadcast school closings, emergency notifications and general messages. You can manage which contacts are used for these messages. Contact the district's technology department for more information. (269) 488-1217.
Send Money to School
The district has moved to a new system that allows parents to add money to their child's lunch account, view a current balance online and monitor the items being purchased by their child all on one website. The application is titled, "Send Money to School". No longer will there be a time delay between the deposit of money and the updating of your student's account. All transactions are in real time. Payment is made using a credit card or e-check.
The student's identification number is required to establish an account. If you do not know this number, please contact your student's school.
Please refer to the SMTS Parent Guide (PDF) for additional setup and usage information.
Synergy Internet Viewer
Parents of students in grades 6 - 12 can check their student's grades, attendance and schedules by connecting to Synergy ParentVUE. Contact the school office to obtain an account if you do not already have one.
Third Grade Reading Law
In an effort to boost reading achievement, Michigan lawmakers passed Public Act 306 in October 2016. To help more students be proficient by the end of 3rd grade, the law requires extra support for K-3 students who are not at grade level in reading. The law also states that a child may be retained in 3rd grade if he is one or more grade levels behind in reading at the end of 3rd grade. To read more about this law and learn how it might affect your child, please read the Parent's Read-At-Home-Plan for Student Success (PDF).
Michigan Graduated Driver Licensing Parent Checklist (PDF)
The Michigan Department of State has released a document intended to help parents or legal guardians with teens in understanding and following the steps of Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL).