Students are encouraged to complete 40 hours of community service prior to graduating from Parchment High School. Volunteer Kalamazoo's VolunTeens program is a great resource for community service opportunities for teens.
Each October, PHS offers an opportunity for students to practice taking a high-stakes, standardized test. The PSAT is a preliminary SAT and is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship. For more information, please visit the PSAT website.
All juniors in the state of Michigan will take the SAT in the spring of their junior year as part of the Michigan Merit Exam. Free practice resources are available through Khan Academy.
Check out the SAT website to find out more.

Th ACT is an optional college entrance exam. Check with your college of choice to see if the ACT is necessary for admission. The Parchment High School code is 232-943. You will need this number to register. You can register at the ACT website.
Advanced Placement Testing
Each spring PHS conducts AP testing for students who have taken AP courses throughout the year. For more information, please visit the AP website.
The window for FAFSA completion opens on October 1st of a student's senior year. Make sure to have your FAFSA completed by Michigan's priority deadline of March 1st. Apply online at One parent and the student will need a FAFSA ID to act as their online signature. Those can be obtained online.
Be sure to check out the Kalamazoo Community Foundation website for great local scholarships. The deadline for submission is March 1st.
Parchment also offers local scholarships. Contact Mrs. Edds for a list of available scholarships specifically for Parchment seniors.
Students have the opportunity to potentially earn college credit through dual enrollment or through the Early Middle College Program.
Early Middle College
Students will receive a high school diploma and a college Associate's degree, certificate, or certificate of completion in a 5 year time frame. There are multiple programs available through EMC, both transferable (credits transfer to a four year institution) and terminal (non-transferable, go to work programs). Students must apply for EMC by March 1st of their sophomore year. For more information, contact Mrs. Dominique Hunt at 488.1108 and visit the EMC website through KRESA.
Dual Enrollment
Students may dual enroll during their junior or senior year. Students who dual enroll take a limited number of select classes at KVCC or WMU, generally with the purpose of transferring general education credits to a four year institution. Courses taken through dual enrollment must not duplicate courses offered at PHS, and must be considered core academic courses. For more information on dual enrollment, contact Mrs. Becky Edds at 488.1107.
Dual Enrollment Handbook (PDF)
Please visit the EFE website for information about their spectacular programs.
Parchment is proud to offer the Early Middle College program in partnership with Kalamazoo Valley Community College. Contact Dominique Hunt at (269) 488-1108 to inquire about this program.
If you have questions regarding the scheduling process, please contact Mrs. Edds at (269) 488-1107.
For more information on the Michigan Merit Curriculum, please click here.
For more information on Personal Curriculum options, please click here.
In order to participate in collegiate athletics, student athletes must register with the NCAA Clearinghouse. A minimum GPA, ACT score, and curriculum is required to be eligible to play college level sports. Please visit the NCAA Eligibility Center's website for information about registering.
There are many ways that Parchment High School staff, students, and families can work collaboratively to ensure student success.
We encourage parents to:
contact your student's teacher first with concerns about assignments, grades or student progress.
ask teachers for specific feedback and to offer specific recommendations/suggestions for improving academic achievement in their classes.
seek additional help from teachers before or after school...consult teachers to make appointments.
contact counselors if/when questions arise.
check student progress regularly on Synergy.
To encourage student success, PHS will:
provide after school mentoring for students to work with teachers and have a quiet place to study and work on homework.
provide individual help before or after school to students.
check eligibility weekly for student athletes.
offer differentiated instruction and various accommodations to meet students' learning needs.
Parchment High School offers online credit retrieval through the Plato system. Contact Mrs. Edds if you would like to register your student for an online class to retrieve credit.
Know How 2 Go Michigan
Free advice and help for middle schoolers through 12th graders on what it takes to go to college.
College and Career Access Network
Great information geared toward helping students and families access college.
Kalamazoo Community Foundation
Scholarships available for Kalamazoo County Seniors
Financial Aid
Research and apply for financial aid through this website.
Journeys: A Group for Grieving Children, Teens, and Families
Free grief group for families who have suffered the loss of a loved one. Contact Hospice of SW Michigan at (269) 345-0273 for dates and location.
Free or Low Cost Immunization Clinics
Nazareth Complex
3299 Gull Road
1st Wing, 1st Floor
8:30 am- 4:00 pm Monday through Wednesday and Friday
10:00 am- 6:00 pm on Thursday
Closed Holidays and second Wednesday morning each month.
Contact the Kalamazoo County Human Services Department to verify dates and times at (269) 373-5203.
Gryphon Place Help Line
Dial 2-1-1 for immediate access to a multitude of community agencies. The operator will access your need and connect you to someone who can help immediately.