Education for the Arts (EFA) is a program of the Kalamazoo Regional Educational Services Agency (KRESA).
EFA's roots are based on a unanimous desire of the nine public school districts in Kalamazoo County to make arts education a learning and teaching priority. EFA's mandate is to enhance arts education opportunities and programs for every Kalamazoo County school through developing, maintaining and strengthening partnerships between school districts, buildings and teachers and the rich array of professional arts institutions in Southwest Michigan.
Length of Course: 3 Trimesters (students must remain in program all 3 trimesters)
Prerequisites: Application, parent, and administrative approval
Grade Level: 11 - 12
EFA courses are available to all students in Kalamazoo County. Each course is designed to give students the chance to explore the depth of their artistic abilities. Students will work with professional artists and arts teachers in intense classes at sites around the county - in neighboring districts and outside the schools in studios and performance spaces. Generally speaking, students earn two (2) credits for their EFA experience. Transportation guidelines are the same as those for EFE.
Education for the Arts has two major program areas:
High school classes in theatre, musical theatre, visual arts, dance and multi-media arts are taught in working artistic environments by a collaborative teacher/artist team. All Kalamazoo County high school students are eligible to enroll.
Art education enhancement
Aesthetic Education Program
Teaching artists and classroom teachers collaboratively provide inquiry-based lessons to develop K-8 students' abilities to describe, analyze and interpret visual and performing art works.
EFA Presents!
Subsidized performing arts field trips and visual arts repertoire available to K-12 schools.
Professional Artist and Cooperating Educator Program (PACE)
The PACE Program provides six-week to eight-week residencies by dance and theatre teaching artists in K-8 schools.
Washingtons School Tour
EFA sponsors K-8 school tours of Von and Fran Washingtons' acclaimed story theatre productions.
Bus Transportation Rebate
EFA provides K-8 schools and alternative education and special education programs with a bus transportation rebate to assist with fine arts and cultural field trips within Kalamazoo County.
Grant Programs
EFA annually awards $150,000 to K-12 schools, teachers/teaching artists and students.
Learn more about Education for the Arts (EFA) on the KRESA website.